Saturday, July 11, 2009

Picture Update

Inside Kibera.
Charlotte helping out in the kitchen, learning to make chapati.

Bethany with some girls from the school in Kibera.

The team, with our hosts Chris and Irene, and our friend Anne.


  1. Great pictures - the girls of Kibera look adorable, and I am ready to try some chapiti (sort of looks like cinnamon rolls)?

  2. Charlotte and Bethany,
    You are in my heart and prayers, may God continue to astound you, grow you and make his way known to you!
    Carol Swanson

  3. Reading these stories has really impacted my heart. But most of all, I am so proud of all of you who have taken it upon your own hearts to reach out and help these children. Bethany, I am especially proud to be your friend. Seeing you pictured next to those other girls really brings tears to my eyes. I am so proud of what you are doing and I know God is even more proud. I truely admire and look up to you. You are doing everything I want to do. Keep it up and may God continue to bless you and work through you just like I have prayed.
    Love you so much,
